NAAMA President’s Letter Jan 2024
JAN 2024
Dear NAAMA Members,
As we begin the new year, we would like to wish you all a happy and healthy 2024. As the newly-elected NAAMA National President, I am honored and privileged to lead this prominent organization, which represents the voice of all Arab American healthcare professionals.
First, I would like to thank our outgoing president, Dr. Nahidh Hasaniya, for his excellent work and significant and lasting contributions to our organization. We are continuously grateful to all the past presidents of NAAMA for their leadership and commitment.
For the upcoming year, we will work on advancing NAAMA’s missions through our educational, philanthropic, and service activities, with the support and guidance of our current Board of Directors and the NAAMA Foundation Board of Trustees. We hope to continue to empower the new generations of Arab American healthcare students and professionals, in order to prepare them to lead our organization in the future. We greatly appreciate our current members’ involvement with NAAMA, and we encourage you to share your ideas, thoughts, and feedback with us on the best way to improve the organization and to better serve our community.
On February 7, 2024, we will be leading the first international convention to rebuild and fortify the healthcare system in the Gaza Strip, working in collaboration with various local, regional, and international organizations. The convention will be held in Amman, Jordan. Pending an indefinite ceasefire and safe border entry, we hope to arrange for voluntary missions to Gaza to provide medical assistance and training.
We are also looking forwarding to your attendance and participation at the upcoming international convention in Egypt in June 2024, and at the national convention in Chicago in September 2024.
Thank you.
Mahmoud Aqel, MD, PhD, MBA
NAAMA National President 2024
Mahmoud Aqel
JAN 2024

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