NAAMA New Chapter Formation
A Practical Guide
NAAMA is an inclusive organization for American health professionals of Arab ancestry. Its goals are to address the professional, educational, philanthropic and service needs of the members and the community. The organization’s strength and its ability to effectively meet those needs depend on the number and active participation of its members.
Membership growth and involvement start at the local grass roots level. Local chapters allow people within a reasonable distance to assemble, organize and become more active. It is therefore NAAMA’s policy to establish chapters to cover a 100-mile radius, creating a balance between facilitating the effort and unnecessary splintering.
- Qualifying members interested in joining the association hold a meeting to elect the governing body, according to the accepted parliamentary procedures
- Minutes of the proceedings should be recorded
- Newly elected leadership presents a petition to NAAMA’s Board of
Directors for acceptance and incorporation of the chapter on the state level
- The new chapter may apply to utilize the national association’s 501(C) 3
Federal tax exemption by adhering to NAAMA’s guidelines.
1. Executive Committee:
- President
- President-Elect
- Vice President
- Chief Financial Officer
- Immediate Past President
- Secretary
- Chairperson of the Auxiliary chapter
- Members on the executive committee shall be elected by voting members.
- The terms of office is one to two years as set by the chapter’s Board of Directors, or until their successor has been elected and takes office. The offices will be assumed on January first of the New Year.
- Officers may succeed themselves in office for a second term if recommended by the nominating committee. But may not succeed themselves for more than two terms in office.
2. Board Of Directors:
- All members of the Board of Directors shall be elected from active members of the chapter in good standing.
- The term of office of a Board member shall be set by the chapter’s
- Board of Directors. Terms to be staggered yearly when possible.
- One to Three (3) Board members will be elected each year to fill a vacant or expired term.
- Board members, if re-nominated in the election process, may succeed themselves in office for one (1) additional term, after which a leave of absence for one (1) year is required.
- To qualify for membership in the Board of Directors, a member must be in continuous good standing in the chapter, for a period of one year prior to nomination, with all dues fully paid from the first of the year, (if applicable).
- The Board of Directors must meet at least twice yearly.
- Board members may be disqualified and replaced by the Board of Directors for non-attendance once a year or for 3 consecutive meetings (when applicable).
Each chapter must construct their own bylaws that are in sync with the National bylaws.
Contact the office for a sample of the Chapter Bylaws
NAAMA’s office and Executive Committee will facilitate the process by providing model bylaws, guidelines, brochures, and membership applications. The assistance of nearby established chapters can be useful.
A local chapter provides its members a forum for getting together, exchanging experiences and networking.
- It provides a platform for family involvement and social activities.
- It helps to maintain our heritage and aids the new generation in developing an identity and pride in their roots.
- It projects a positive image in the local community through participation in cultural and civic affairs.
- It sets an example to the rest of the Arab community, and can lead their philanthropic and humanitarian drives.
- It sponsors CME activities, usually with the support of pharmaceutical companies.
- It provides a position and representation at the national level, and grooms potential national leaders.
- It has the ability to bid for and host the annual national medical convention.